Beauty is not created by adding one more detail, it is conceived by removing the last.
The design of our collection represents a way of thinking that reduces each product to the essential components without compromise. Luminance and illumination are the primary goals. The luminaire, a detail that can reflect and integrate within architecture with the purest form that will enhance and add value to its environment, requires a deep understanding of the intrinsic nature and unified components of architectural styles These components can be condensed into basic forms, which EUROPROFiLED exploits within its products. This approach to design requires that the details of an object are not merely decorative, but are key to the essence of the product as a whole. EUROPROFiLED products, in their simplest forms, do not result in austere minimalism, but in architectural objects that communicate with space, regardless of style. This, combined with careful planning, represents the true meaning of "architectural lighting".
EUROPROFiLED, purity in light gives you the opportunity to create the conditions that allow the beauty of architecture to surface.
EUROPROFiLED epitomizes the language of form in present-day architecture, an architecture based on right angles and lines. It is to this same sober architecture that the appliances owe their universal and timeless character. Instead of basing its designs on the form of the lighting devices and the radius of the light they diffuse, EUROPROFiLED is resolutely determined to choose architecture. Because EUROPROFiLED bases its work on architectural design, it can enter into dialogue with architecture as an equal partner. EUROPROFiLED appliances are not foreign elements, but merge with the architecture. The product has a minimal presence and leaves it to light itself to steal the show. The forms are simple and austere. EUROPROFiLED lighting appliances are sober and do not monopolize attention. An architect does not want lighting appliances, but light, atmosphere and comfort. EUROPROFiLED provides the purity in light.